
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Double Pocket Card - How to

Happy Tue-Wednesday!

(feels like Tuesday but it's really Wednesday - LOL!!!)

Hope you've all had a great day's been rainy on and off here so I don't mind spending the day doing laundry. I had started this post earlier but dh got me to watching "The Last Brick Maker..." It was a really good movie but of course made me cry!

Today I wanted to share directions on making a cool double pocket card that you can vary in size pretty easily. It is perfect to add a little note and gift all in one convenient card!

You'll need double sided pattern paper ~ the heavy type that feels like would work with the thin variety but the card just wouldn't have the same body to it as with the heavy type.

Double Pocket Card


Double Sided Pattern Paper


Bone Folder

A bit of adhesive


1. Cut the pattern paper to size... I have worked out a simple formula to follow to make the card come out right every time... All you have to remember is "Odd+3" ~ translated it means your width should be an odd number and add 3" to this number for the length. Your finished card will be exactly half the size you start out with.

For example:

5" x 8" = 2 1/2" x 4" finished card

7" x 10" = 3 1/2" x 5" finished card

9" x 12" = 4 1/2" x 6" finished card

You can also make an ATC sized card but to get it to shrink down enough to fit the 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" ATC base it's measured in centimeters and it is...

12 cm x 17 cm

Double Pocket Card 001

2. Fold the paper in half both horizontally and vertically. This photo shows the folded piece of paper. I have added dashes which represent fold lines and a solid line which represents the one cut you will need to make to create the card.

Double Pocket Card 005

3. Cut on the fold line represented by the solid line in the photo above just to the center of the paper.

4. Fold the left upper block over onto the right upper block as shown.

Double Pocket Card 006

5. It's time to make the first pocket....Working with the same two upper blocks, fold the corner of the top layer back to create a nice square in the upper right hand corner.

Double Pocket Card 007

6. Now working with the bottom two blocks, fold the left block towards the back behind the right block which is opposite of what we did with the upper blocks.

Double Pocket Card 008

7. Still working with the bottom two layers of paper, fold both pieces of paper from the right lower corner towards the left creating a triangle as shown.

Double Pocket Card 010

Crease this triangle with the bone folder....Your card should look like the example in the photo at this point....

Double Pocket Card 011

8. Now lift the bottom block up and over the top block, crease the fold very well....

Double Pocket Card 012

Double Pocket Card 013

9. After you have creased this fold, fold the flap back down and apply adhesive along each edge indicated by the "X's"....Yes, X marks the spot ;) LOL!!

Double Pocket Card 014

10. Fold this flap back up and adhere!

You now have an area where you can slide a card or tag as well as a secure pocket to hold a neat little gift!

Double Pocket Card 015

Told you it was a fun easy card to make!!

Tomorrow I'll be back with a few ideas on how to embellish and enhance this design!

Till then friends, have a wonderful day!!


  1. Very nice! And great instructions! Easy to understand!

  2. That is so cool! And good to see the ATG gun is still in use! LOVE MINE and LOVE YOU!!!

  3. This would be great as a "card" for giving gift cards, money, checks, pictures, etc... I'm going to have fun playing with this!
    TFS - -

  4. Thanks Roni! I just made my first one and your instructions and photos are great! It only makes me more anxious for your book!


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!