
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ink Stained Card Sketch 2009.05.29 Examples!

Hey Everyone!

As promised, here are a few examples for the card sketch featured yesterday :) I took Amanda & Phinny's suggestion for the new number...Thanks ladies!

Phinny, Erin & everyone... If you do happen to make a card using the sketch please do either send it to me so I can post it here or add a link in the comment section if you post it on your own blog ~ we'd all love to see!!

I'm glad it was missed cause I have so much fun doing them and hope you do too! It's always nice to have somewhere to go and find a bit of inspiration when the creativity fountain dries up!

Forever Friend

I love how this one turned out...the colors are just so me (thanks phinny!!) and he is one of my favorite "guys" I own ;) LOL!!! (TH - Stampers Anonymous)

20090529 card sketch006

No Journey...

Love working with vintage maps & stuff...they add so much to your design. Main image is B-Line Designs.

20090529 card sketch002

My Wish....

LOVE these stamps ~ Crafty Secrets!

20090529 card sketch003

Fridge's working again ~ apparently it has some sort of thermostat inside that shuts the motor off when it is going to overheat (like the computer!). Once we flipped the circuit breaker off then back on it must have re-set whatever is in the fridge. It now works and is cold again!! It's a darn good thing ~ it's only like 2 years old or something like that... Anyway, all good on the cold food front ;)

Tomorrow off to Mom & Dads ~ Eric & Bob are helping Dad put up his new wood working shop and Mom and I are going to hang out, craft and make lunch :) Going to be a fun day I think!

Hope you all are having a great weekend...

if we get back in time I'll share a few postcards from my collection!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Ink Stained Card Sketch

Happy Friday!!

Woo Hoo...the weekend is here ... well, almost ;) LOL!!!

I want to get back into the swing of a few things...Ink Stained Card Sketches, 4 for 1 (for variations of using one stamped image), Rubber Stamp & Supply Features as well as add a couple more ~ Postcard Images (I have a huge collection) & a feature sharing different ways to use up old supplies (one of the most common questions I get!).

I haven't quite figured out a schedule for them all but I do know Fridays are going to be Ink Stained Card Sketch days. Since today is Friday I have the first one ready to share with you....

Ink Stained Card Sketch


(yes, it's today's date but I couldn't figure out a better way to number them)

ink stained card sketch 052909

A bit about the card...

*I think this sketch could easily be transformed into a card, atc or even a scrapbook lay-out with a few size modifications.

*The circle represents the main stamped (or photo) image.

*The strips could be ribbon, pattern paper, cardstock or any combination of them.

*The 2 groups of dots could be brads, mini stamped images, flowers, etc.

Really any small embellishment that will compliment your theme.

*Sentiment could be a one word sentiment, quote (you know how much I love quotes!), or if you were working on a scrapbook it could be a bit of info you want to include on the layout ~ names, dates, place, etc.

I had planned on having a few cards made up using this sketch but last night we discovered that our fridge had kicked off sometime earlier this week. It's so quite when it runs we never even noticed. Well, now that's not true...we knew things weren't as cool as they had been but we assumed that it was because the temps were warmer ~ so of course I turned up the coldness... Obviously it didn't work since it was off!!

Anyway, instead of crafting I spend my time cleaning out the fridge :S It hasn't been this empty since the day it was delivered!!

I'm hoping that I get some time this weekend to make a few examples and post them.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Double Pocket Card Ideas

Back with some ideas and tips on using the Double Pocket Card I shared in the previous post....

double pocket cards001

TIP: You can use the card as is or for added body you may choose to mount the finished card onto a piece of coordinating cardstock. If you do mount the double pocket card onto cardstock, cut the pattern paper 1/2" smaller on both the horizontal and vertical sides. WHY? By trimming the extra 1/2" off the sides your folded card once mounted on the cardstock will still fit into standard gift card envelopes!!

There are just so many things you can use this card for...

Card and Gift

9" x 12" - finished 4 1/2" x 6"

This double pocket card holds both an actual greeting card and a small gift...It has been mounted onto a piece of coordinating cardstock.

double pocket cards002

Photos & a Note

7" x 10" - Finished 3 1/2" x 5"

These cards are a great way to send a tag message along with a few photos to loved ones. Holds the photos securely and protects them in transit!

double pocket cards003

ATC & Info

7" x 10" - Finished 3 1/2" x 5"

This size of the double pocket card makes a great presentation folder for ATC's...perfect for special trades or possibly a "Technique ATC Swap" where you have to explain how each card was made. Use the smaller pocket for the ATC and the larger pocket for the supply list and technique directions!

double pocket cards005

Double Pocket Card ATC

12cm x 17 cm - Finished a Tad smaller than an ATC

This size is perfect for creating a double pocket ATC!! Tuck in quotes, mini collage images, and more!! It has been mounted on a 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" ATC foundation.

double pocket cards006

Charm & ATC Holder

5" x 8" - Finished 2 1/2" x 4"

This double pocket card is great for trading ATC's too! You can tuck the ATC into the back pocket and add a neat little charm, note, treat, T-bag, etc. into the front pocket as an extra little bonus :)

double pocket cards009

NOTE: I didn't get a pic of the tiny double pocket card shown in the first started out 1" x 3" and ended up measuring 1/2" x 1 1/2"....I added a small charm in the back pocket and a mini note in the front pocket!

Remember ~ to create these cards

all you need to remember is....

Odd number + 3!

Very quick, very easy and oh so handy!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Double Pocket Card - How to

Happy Tue-Wednesday!

(feels like Tuesday but it's really Wednesday - LOL!!!)

Hope you've all had a great day's been rainy on and off here so I don't mind spending the day doing laundry. I had started this post earlier but dh got me to watching "The Last Brick Maker..." It was a really good movie but of course made me cry!

Today I wanted to share directions on making a cool double pocket card that you can vary in size pretty easily. It is perfect to add a little note and gift all in one convenient card!

You'll need double sided pattern paper ~ the heavy type that feels like would work with the thin variety but the card just wouldn't have the same body to it as with the heavy type.

Double Pocket Card


Double Sided Pattern Paper


Bone Folder

A bit of adhesive


1. Cut the pattern paper to size... I have worked out a simple formula to follow to make the card come out right every time... All you have to remember is "Odd+3" ~ translated it means your width should be an odd number and add 3" to this number for the length. Your finished card will be exactly half the size you start out with.

For example:

5" x 8" = 2 1/2" x 4" finished card

7" x 10" = 3 1/2" x 5" finished card

9" x 12" = 4 1/2" x 6" finished card

You can also make an ATC sized card but to get it to shrink down enough to fit the 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" ATC base it's measured in centimeters and it is...

12 cm x 17 cm

Double Pocket Card 001

2. Fold the paper in half both horizontally and vertically. This photo shows the folded piece of paper. I have added dashes which represent fold lines and a solid line which represents the one cut you will need to make to create the card.

Double Pocket Card 005

3. Cut on the fold line represented by the solid line in the photo above just to the center of the paper.

4. Fold the left upper block over onto the right upper block as shown.

Double Pocket Card 006

5. It's time to make the first pocket....Working with the same two upper blocks, fold the corner of the top layer back to create a nice square in the upper right hand corner.

Double Pocket Card 007

6. Now working with the bottom two blocks, fold the left block towards the back behind the right block which is opposite of what we did with the upper blocks.

Double Pocket Card 008

7. Still working with the bottom two layers of paper, fold both pieces of paper from the right lower corner towards the left creating a triangle as shown.

Double Pocket Card 010

Crease this triangle with the bone folder....Your card should look like the example in the photo at this point....

Double Pocket Card 011

8. Now lift the bottom block up and over the top block, crease the fold very well....

Double Pocket Card 012

Double Pocket Card 013

9. After you have creased this fold, fold the flap back down and apply adhesive along each edge indicated by the "X's"....Yes, X marks the spot ;) LOL!!

Double Pocket Card 014

10. Fold this flap back up and adhere!

You now have an area where you can slide a card or tag as well as a secure pocket to hold a neat little gift!

Double Pocket Card 015

Told you it was a fun easy card to make!!

Tomorrow I'll be back with a few ideas on how to embellish and enhance this design!

Till then friends, have a wonderful day!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Shrink Plastic Bracelet WInners!!!

Hi Guys ~ sorry this took a while but here are the winners of the bracelets in no particular order (as chosen by


JPScraps said...
How do you come up with all these creative ideas? I never would have thought of it. The bracelets are great!
May 18, 2009 9:44 PM

Nicki Lundeen

Nicki Lundeen said...
Those are really awesome. You are very cretive. I haven't used shrink plastic (shrinky dinks) since I was a young girl. I remember when they first came out (boy did I just age myself!), I shrinky dinked myself to death. Loved those things. I might just have to start using them again!
May 20, 2009 10:34 AM


Elizabeth Staley

Elizabeth Staley said...
These are so cool! Love the Heart and the skull- great idea as always!
May 19, 2009 1:07 PM

Congrats to you all!!!

Please e-mail me your snail mail addy so I can get these in the mail to you :)

Another fun give-a-way coming soon so stay tuned!!

#6 Plastic = Green Shrink Plastic!

Hidy Ho Neighbors!

Hope you had a great day today! 4 day week ;) YEAH!!!

We had an eventful day today...we had hay down ~ long story ~ and the weather man calling for T-storms & rain rain rain so this a.m. dh and I made hay while the sun was a shinin'... after Bob got home he took over my position (driving the tractor) and I came home to get supper going. I was getting terribly worried because it was rumbling in the distance and was growing darker and darker. It started to pour here at home and shortly there after dh & bob pulled in ~ they had made it JUST in time! Had all the hay pulled into the barn, tractors put away when the sky opened up. Perfect timing!

So I have a fun tip to pass along from one of our readers...Cindy Cade :) HI CINDY!!! She has discovered that you can use Krylon's Matte Acrylic Sealer sprayed both horizontal & vertically (2 seperate coats, dry in between) it will allow you to print on the shrink film! Way cool idea!! This is the perfect alternative if you don't want to take the time to sand the shrink plastic before printing :)

Thanks Cindy for sharing with the rest of us!!

Today I have one last shrink plastic technique to share with you all...actually I have a few more but I don't want to bore you so I'll save them for another time. Anyway, today's technique is a "GREEN" as in recycle green technique. We will be using the clear #6 (recycle-able number) type plastic. This is usually lids or food containers like those covering meat/veggie trays, cinnamon roll containers, cookie boxes, etc. It will actually have the recycle symbol with a 6 inside as shown below...

#6 shrink stuff 001

#6 shrink stuff 002

I should warn you before you begin that this type of plastic isn't actually designed for this technique like the actual shrink film/plastic is so you aren't going to get very consistent results. Some will work better than others and it may not shrink the same horizontally as it does vertically or you may even find that one area of the plastic shrinks more than the others (you'll see what I mean later).

Now some people say there are fumes when it's being shrunk but I didn't notice any when I was working with it... I'm not particularly sensitive to it either so you may want to keep that in mind as well when you're working with this material.

#6 Plastic Shrink Fun...


#6 Recyclable Plastic

Rubber Stamps (optional)

Archival Ink (optional)

Scissors or Exacto Knife

Heat Source (heat gun or oven)

Krylon Acrylic Sealer (optional)


Just a note ~ I used the lid pictured above for my example ~ so you can judge size proportions this is from an 8x8 container.

1. Remove any stickers or labels that may be on the plastic.

2. Wash off any residue and let the plastic dry.

3. Cut away the flat section you will be using to stamp on but don't discard the excess plastic.... For this example I cut the center out of the above pictured lid using an exacto knife leaving the outside parameter in tact. When you've got your piece cut out, remember to round the edges so your finished piece isn't sharp.

4. Stamp desired images onto the plastic. Punch hole(s) at this time. I punched the top hole over the #6 so it didn't show up in the finished charm.

#6 shrink stuff 003

5. Heat to shrink ~ you may do so in your oven or with a heat gun. I used the latter. Now this is going to look really wild when it starts to melt. It looks like it gets holes in the plastic but don't worry it will go through the same contortions as the shrink plastic and finish flat. Remember if it gets stuck on it's self during the heating process use a skewer or other implement to unstick it. The plastic will be VERY HOT!!!

#6 shrink stuff 004

And here you go....You will notice how the upper left hand corner is a bit larger than the rest of the charm...that corner for whatever reason didn't shrink as much as the rest of the plastic did.

#6 shrink stuff 005

If you'd like you can spray it with a coat of sealer to protect the image. Turned out pretty cool looking don't 'cha think?

#6 shrink stuff 006

NOW, remember I said don't throw away the's why....It can be turned into a frame!!!! The ruffles somewhat disappear and the whole thing comes out relatively flat. This is also a good example of it not shrinking the same horizontally & vertically. It started out a square but it is now a 3 1/4" x 4" rectangle.... don't ask me how cause I have no idea but that's part of the fun, you just never know what you will end up with :)

#6 shrink stuff 007

So this is a great alternative when you run out or don't have any shrink plastic available locally!! I hope you give it a try and let us know how it turns out!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Shrink Film Scrap Earrings...

Hey everyone!

Well we made it through the garage sale!! It was sooooooo hot both days but no rain so we were lucky. I think we did pretty SIL had a garage sale this weekend too (she lives the next town over which is about 3x the size of our town). The place they live had an addition garage sale ~ their house is right at the entrance so they get all the traffic. She told mom that we did better than they did so I'm tickled since we live about 4 blocks off the main street ~ our house borders "the country". Tomorrow I'm calling the guy who runs a second hand shop ~ he buys garage sale leftovers and I have a couple things to post on e-bay (G-bay Packers Jackets) to hopefully add to the kitty.

The great thing is how much room we have both in the house and in our shed...this was the first step towards changing rooms between my oldest sons room and my scraproom!! I am so excited ~ I can hardly wait :) I'm going to have to box up my craft stuff for a bit so I'm not so sure about that part but then we'll box up my sons room, move him out here ~ then paint my new room, lay some tile (it's carpet now) then I can move in... I'll be almost tripling my space!!!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOO talk about awesome!!

Anyway, I was going to post Sat or Sun but my computer has been over heating ~ so I've not been on at all hoping the cooler weather and giving it a break will help it over it's illness whatever it may be.

I'm here now and have another project to share using more scraps from the shrink plastic! I wanted to let you know if you made the shrink plastic rings from scraps that I shared last week no worries...these charms use the odd shaped scraps that weren't used!!

Shrink Film Scrap Charms

(used on Earrings today)

Now I know it says earrings but you can use these on anything ~ as a dangle on a scrapbook page or card, bracelets, necklace, altered art, etc. They are very easy to make since you use the shape that's already in your scrap pile.


Grafix Shrink Film - Scraps

Archival Ink

Rubber Stamp

Heat Gun

Alcohol Inks



1. Gather your shrink film scraps and cut off any interesting shapes that might be left. I like to use pieces that are at least 1" or larger. Anything smaller won't work very well once it's got a hole and shrunk down ~ especially if you want to use it on earrings.

Shrinky Dink charms & rings017

2. Round any sharp corners ~ they are still sharp after they shrink if you don't.

scrap earrings010

3. After you have several pieces you need to punch the desired number of holes in each piece. I made some with a single hole and a few with two holes so I could use them to dangle smaller charms.

scrap earrings011

4. Stamp each piece using the archival ink...I stamped them all with the same stamp but you can vary the designs if you'd like...

scrap earrings012

Here is one before shrinking...

scrap earrings013

5. Heat as usual with a heat gun and just like we did with the leaves, twist, bend and shape each piece while it is still warm. I don't shape them all the same ~ I like to mix it up and make each one different...

scrap earrings014

6. Apply alcohol inks ~ I always add them afterwards ~ if you add them before the colors become so concentrated most colors look black when they are done.

scrap earrings001

scrap earrings002

7. The mini charms are ready to be turned into earrings or used on whatever project you have in mind! Here is what I did with mine.....

scrap earrings003

scrap earrings004


yes, it's the illusive Roni ~ usually found behind the camera coming out for a rare appearance ;) LOL!!!

scrap earrings009

Told you it was easy AND it uses scraps!!  Doesn't get much better than that ;)  I know I missed the drawing yesterday...I'll be pulling the names of the winners tomorrow so if you haven't added your comment, you still have a bit of time left to enter!!

Hope you've all had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend, enjoyed friends and family and given thanks for all the men and women who have made it possible to do so!!

Take care and catch ya later gater :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Garage Sales...never again!!!

Hey everyone ~ did ya think I fell off the face of the earth? LOL!! Well, I had the "Great" idea to have a garage sale this weekend...OMG ~ if I ever even think of it would someone please send the hit squad in to just do me in quickly!!!! This dang thing is going to kill me!! I started collecting things a couple of weeks ago asking the guys nicely to sort through some you think they did ~ nooooo.... SOOOO, that's what I've been doing all week...

Monday wasn't too bad, all inside stuff ~ shelves, drawers, closets. I did find a bunch of jackets and things I wanted to wash before I put them out since they had been stored for a while (5 loads of laundry - check!).

Tuesday was another story...can't have a garage sale w/o the garage ~ clean the garage all by myself... (grumble grumble grumble). Then I decide to tackle the shed out back. This is where everything that we can't possibly squeeze into the house gets piled. Eric was home by this time so he helped me carry EVERYTHING out ~ I tell you it was stuffed to the gills with misc. tractor parts (which are going to live out at the farm - imagine that?!?!?), TONS of old toys from when the boys were little ~ which btw we have to keep because they are Ertl (sp?) - toy tractors, children's/adolescent books (going) we have a real thing for books so there are like 4 boxes full. LOADS of old craft things...I've been into so many crafts over the years it's scary. The shed houses my basket supplies (keeping), tons of fabric pieces (going), dried flower arranging supplies (going), wreaths (going), baskets (going), Halloween decorations (going), Easter decorations (going), misc. antiques (going), antique singer treadle sewing machine (going) and a few assorted garden supplies (staying). Needless to say the shed which was filled to capacity is now only 1/4 of the way full! You could have a small party in there :) I was totally wiped out by the time I finished at about 8:00pm. (clean garage & barn ~ check!)

Wednesday...pricing, pricing, pricing...all of the stuff collected from ALL over the house and shed and garage needed to be sorted and priced. TOOK FOREVER!!!!! Most items are going for .25 because I got tired and just started sticking that on everything - LOL!!! I don't care, it just needs to be gone. Another long day because while bob did do some box toting and a bit of pricing for me I did most of it. (I never want to see another price tag again ~ double check)

Thursday (today)...Dad came over this a.m. and helped set up tables and stuff so I spent the rest of the day sorting and deciding how to find room for it all. It is for the most part finished. The guys need to carry several boxes which are still sitting in the back yard up front for me ~ (books, toys, sewing machine) tonite which I'm just going to make signs for ~ I'm so not marking it all!! I have to price the cloths I washed but that shouldn't take too long (I hope) the we'll be ready to open up tomorrow a.m.! (o.k. I'm exhausted!! ~ check!)

I had 2 people stop while I was setting up today so hopefully that's a good sign. I would really like for most (all is wishful thinking) of it to be gone.

So I've tried and tried to get in the craft room at night to make something/take pics & post but I've just been totally wiped out. Sorry! I do have a couple more Shrink Plastic projects I want to share and one is about 1/2 done so I'm hoping to get it finished on Sat. afternoon to post. I know it won't be tomorrow or Sat. a.m. since that's when the sale is going to be. but I'll try to get it posted asap.

In the mean time I thought I'd share a few of my favorite sites around the web-world.....

Excellent supplier of all sorts of findings and beads.

Way cool tiered pricing ~ it's always fun to see if you can get to that next level - LOL!!!

Way cool place to make "Word Clouds"

I know I have this in my side bar but they just added loads of cool new images.

They have just added 6 sets of amazing Classic Hot Rod stamp sets (scroll to the bottom)

3 sets with cars, 1 set of icons and 2 sets with pin strip detail stamps.

EXCELLENT for all those car crazy guys in your life!

LOADS of AWESOME collage sheets...omg over 1700 sheets!!!!

You can spend a LONG time browsing through their goodies.

TONS of cool push molds for polymer clay.

These molds also work for paper clay!!

Yes, the scissor place ~

they have several super resources available...

Projects, Articles, Gallery, and lots more!

If you really like em you should become a Fisk-A-Teer!

I did a while back...I haven't participated much recently because of the book and all but it is a really great place to hang out. Lots of really sweet and wonderful ladies :)

Since I'll be busy with the sale the next couple days I hope you all have a very SAFE and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend (here in the states) and a great weekend everywhere else :)

Take care


remember to go cuddle

your craft supplies sometime this weekend ;)

They miss you!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Shrink Plastic, Acrylic Dabbers & Masks

Well back with another fun project ~ we're going to be combining shrink plastic, Ranger's acrylic dabbers and masks (or diecuts). For my examples I made bracelets but depending on the size they can be turned into charms, earrings, necklaces, etc.


Grafix Shrink Film - Black & Clear

Ranger Acrylic Dabber

Mask or Die-Cuts

Acrylic Sealer (Krylon Crystal Clear, Patricia Nimocks's Spray Sealer, etc.)

Heat Source (oven or heat gun)

Jewelry Findings (if you're making the bracelets or other jewelry)

shrink bracelets001


1. Determine how large you want your finished charm/bracelet to be. I figured I wanted something between 2 1/2 - 3 1/2" so I needed to start off with a piece of shrink film approx. 5-7". Once you have determined how large your finished project will be you can cut your die-cut to size or find a mask that suits your needs.

2. Affix the mask or die-cut to the shrink film using a reposition able adhesive. Punch holes where needed. I used 1/2" hole punch for a couple of the charms since I knew I'd need larger holes for my choice of findings otherwise a regular hole punch will do.

shrink bracelets002

3. Apply the paint to the entire piece ~ make sure you hit the edges of the die-cut/mask good so you have a nice defined line once it's shrunk.

shrink bracelets003

here is what it should look like once you're finished painting....

shrink bracelets004

4. You may let the paint dry completely or continue immediately. Remove the mask from the shrink film.

5. Heat the shrink plastic with a heat gun or shrink it in the oven.

shrink bracelets005

6. (optional for bracelet) Immediately after the shrink film is done doing it's thing, place the hot charm over a spray can (the sealer can works fine) and let it cool. You're going for a nice gentle bend here to form around your wrist.

(sorry ~ no pic ~ couldn't bend and photograph at the same time - lol!)

7. After it has cooled, spray with a coat or two of the spray sealer. This just helps protect the paint from dents, dings and scratches from normal use.

And here you go.....

(sorry for the light glare)

shrink bracelets006

Now that you've got the base made you can add a variety of findings to turn it into a bracelet....

shrink bracelet001

shrink bracelet003

shrink bracelet004

Of course if you don't want a bracelet you don't have to bend can use it flat for a charm. 

Now, if you like these bracelets ~ let me know and you might be the new owner of one of these little devils!! All you have to do is post and you'll be entered to win.

You have until 5-24 to post at which time I'll draw 3 winners using!
Good Luck and remember ~you can't win if you don't post!!

Super Hero Winners!

Hey Everyone!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend :)

Sorry I didn't pull the winners yesterday ~ ended up spending most of the day outside.

Without further delay here are the winners....

(chosen at random by

Gretchen DeBerry said...
wow, the superheroes are awesome. i never thought to use my cool scissors for the edges. my mom would love the necklace. i never think to do nice trad stuff with shrink, i always tend towards more "play" stuff. tremendous work!



Etha said...
oh the leaves on the necklace are just amazing! the chalk ink makes for a very pretty coloring and the bending is a super idea!

Congrats ~ please send me your snail mail addies so I can get these in the mail to you :)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Stamped Shrink Plastic / Shrinky Dink Rings

I wanted to answer a few questions before I get to the project today...

Tammy ~ I get my findings from Fire Mountain Gems & Beads (the same place Phinny mentioned). They are very reasonable and have a tiered pricing structure so the more you buy the cheaper things get!

Several people asked if I let the inks dry completely before I shrink them ~ Nope, I just stamp and heat. There are a couple of inks that I have trouble with drying (a couple of the Archival colors) but for the most part everything is dry as a bone after shrinking.

Where can you find shrink film? I buy mine at Hobby Lobby or online but I know it's also ava. at Joann Crafts and Michaels (or it was ~ ours is changing things around so not sure what's going to be there.) and there are many places on-line that carry it ~ Mister Art, Dick Blick, Create for Less, etc...

Shrink Film Rings!

Now, I hope you've all been keeping the scraps from the shrink film charms you've been making...this next project is perfect to use up some of those scraps!

Shrinky Dink charms & rings017

Since we're going to be making rings you'll need to know what size you should be making your ring. Here is an excellent Ring Size Conversion Chart that converts ring sizes into several different sizes but it also gives you the outside circumference which is what you will need if you don't know what your ring size is.

If you don't know your ring size you can take a piece of string and wrap it around your finger then measure it and compare it to the chart.

Once you have determined the circumference of the size of ring you want to make you need to go in search of to find an object to wrap the shrink film around. This could be anything from a lid, paint brush handle, stipple brush, paint pen, etc...anything round that will hold up under a bit of heat for a short period of time. I found a lid from a cleaning solution that works perfect for me.

It's time to dig out those scraps. You're going to need to trim off long strips of the shrink film. They can be any width you desire just keep in mind it's going to shrink about 45-75% depending on the particular type of shrink film you're using (remember to make a test strip). You can cut them with deco scissors for a cool edge, trim them in a wavy design, or just long strips if you like. You will need to make sure that each strip is long enough for the type of ring you want to make (wrap or regular). This is where the shrinky dink math comes in handy. You can figure out exactly how much material you will need to make the desired sized ring. If you don't want to figure it out that's o.k.... you can always trim off the excess with a sturdy pair of scissors later.

Shrinky Dink charms & rings018

Once you've cut out your strips you can stamp them with virtually any design you like...

Shrinky Dink charms & rings021

Next, trim the ends of the strip. This image is an edge I like to use for the "wrap" rings. If you're making a regular ring with a bit of a space or it's edges meet you can just round the corners with a corner rounding punch or your scissors.

Shrinky Dink charms & rings022

It's time to heat... Shrinking a long strip like this will roll up on it's self when you're heating it. If it sticks together, just pull it apart with a bamboo skewer or carefully with your fingers.

Shrinky Dink charms & rings026

Shrinky Dink charms & rings027

Once it's done shrinking, quickly roll it around the object you've found to match your ring size. Be careful because it will be quite hot. I like to leave the shrink film on my work surface and roll the object over the shrink film holding onto one end as I go. This way you're handling the shrink film the least amount possible while still getting the job done.

Shrinky Dink charms & rings028

Now, don't worry if you don't get it quite right on the first try...the beauty of this technique is that you can always re-heat the shrink film and start over!! It doesn't matter if you take 3, 4, 5 tries just re-heat and roll! Remember if you end up with too much shrink material you can always trim the excess off with a sturdy pair of shears while it's still warm. If the shrink film cools too quickly you can always mark the area that needs trimmed, heat, trim then re-shape. It's really a very forgiving technique.

Here are a few examples of what I came up with.... (you'll have to excuse my messy fingers...I was so excited when I was making these that I forgot to wipe the excess ink off my fingers ;) LOL!!!)

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My favorite :)
light blue paisley!!
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Another fun and funky technique to try using shrink plastic!!  Remember tomorrow I'll be drawing a couple winners for the "hero" necklace & bracelet so be sure to tune in.

Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend!!