
Monday, April 13, 2009

Orange Clean Image Transfer

Today I thought I'd start out with an easy image transfer technique.

Orange Clean Image Transfer!!

I actually discovered this by accident. I use Orange Clean to clean up my crafting area/desk top. It is pretty powerful ~ it takes up most of the ink and paints that I tend to accumulate. I had sprayed some of it on my desk one day and I had inadvertently over shot and got a bit of it on a memo I had printed off an e-mail. When I picked it up I noticed that the words from the memo had bled through to the next sheet of paper!


Woo hoo!!

I can't tell you how excited I was about that because soooooo many of the image transfer techniques require laser or toner copies. I don't have either readily available on a day to day basis so what good are they! If I want to make an image transfer I want to do it NOW, not a day, week or longer down the road... When inspiration strikes you gotta go with the flow....having to wait to make a copy severely impedes that flow.

The next cool thing I found out is it works on black and white photos AND COLOR pics as well!!!! Some image transfer techniques just do not work well in color so this is a real plus!

I was also really tickled about this transfer technique because everything it required I already had....Orange Clean, ink jet printer and photos to transfer!! How cool is that :) Now I know there are other orange cleaners on the market...I don't know if they work with this technique or not. I would say if you've got one ~ try it. The worst that can happen is you get a blurry ink blot.


Orange Clean Multi-Purpose Cleaner

Ink Jet Printer Image (color or b&w)

Cardstock or other paper to transfer the image onto

Bone Folder or Spoon (to burnish)

(optional) Ink Blending Tool & Foam (to apply cleaner)

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1. Place the ink jet image face down on the cardstock.
**NOTE - Remember if you're going to transfer words or text you will need to print a mirror image so after it's transferred it will be readable.

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TIP - I have found that if I place my cardstock on a sheet of foam or mouse pad it adds just enough padding and give to help in the burnishing step.

2. Wet the ink jet image with an even coat of Orange Clean. It is very important that you don't use too much of the cleaner or have puddles on the image. You will end up with a distorted ink stain as a result ;) This is why I use the Ink Blending Tool and Foam.

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I soak up the cleaner in the foam and gently apply it to the photo until I can see the image.

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3. Hole the photo in place with one hand* and burnish the image with the back side of a spoon or a smooth bone folder.

*I'm not holding it in the photo because I was taking the pic. Holding the photo is a must or you may end up with a blurry transferred image if the photo slips.

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4. Lift one edge of the photo and check to see what your transfer looks like. If you are satisfied with the results then your done. If not, replace the photo add a bit more Orange Clean and burnish once more.

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And that's it! Your image transfers are ready to be used!!!

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So there you go...tomorrow I will share some projects made using Orange Clean Image Transfers.

Pretty easy huh?

And you thought image transfers were going to be difficult ;)


  1. Hi Roni...well...that does look ez enuf, eh? Gotta scout out some of that cleaner tho...but...u are going to tell me how to use what I transfer? And the worthless after you do the transfer or not? ty Cher

  2. Thank you for all the techniques you've been sharing...good stuff! ~Lori

  3. Wow - I am so excited. Like you, I have an ink jet printer and no easy access to toner copies. I have been researching transfers for awhile now and I always seem to get excited when I see a technique and then disappointed when I see the inevitable words - toner, NOT ink jet! Ergh!

    So Yay! Now I need to get that cleaner. I assume it can be found at WalMart or similar? At first I thought you meant the orange cleaner that is soap with pumice that people that work on cars use - you know to get grease and grime off hands and fingernails? I have a 5 gallon jug of that left from my dad. So I am glad you posted a pic of the cleaner you mean or else I would have really made a mess and then come back here and yelled at you when it didn't work! LOL

    I can't wait to try this. I will for sure and I'll send you some pics of my results if I get anything interesting, k?

    Thanks for the INK JET technique. I can't tell you how happy I am to find this!

  4. Cher ~ yep, going to have some examples for you tomorrow. NO, the original print you use is still very usable. Some of the ink has been taken away so it's a faded, distressed image now but can be used just as you would normally :)

    Thanks Lori ~ glad you've been enjoying them!

    Phinny ~ I KNOW...I hate that as well ~ it's so frustrating getting excited about a technique then not be able to because of a stinkin' toner copy.

    ROFL ~ ohhh that would have been a mess ;) We have some of that too and I'm pretty sure it won't work - LOL!!

    Yes, the cleaner is ava. most anywhere, supermarkets, discount stores, etc. Pretty cheap too ~ I think only a couple dollars for a really big bottle.

    Hope you have fun playing with it!

  5. Hi Roni!
    Wooww...finaly I can use all collageimages I have downloaded from internet and printed out on my ink jet printer.
    There is only one problem....we didn't have exsactly this cleaner here in Norway. Is it possible for you to tell me what this cleaner are made of....?? Maybe I can find some simmilar in Norwegian store..

    Thanks for sharing this great idea with us.
    Have a great day.
    Trine from Norway

  6. Thanks for sharing (& love your blog, btw). I can't wait to try out this technique and see if it works transfering images to surfaces other than paper. I'm also wondering how well the image transfer does with time and exposure to other pages - if residual orange clean interfers with anything around it.

  7. OMG! LOL!!! you are amazing! I'll have to try this one, it looks neat and it's clean! :~P

  8. I love making "mistakes" & finding out new stuff from them LOL, As always, thank you so much for sharing :)

  9. WOW Roni!! You invented a whole new image transfer method...and it looks like something I can actually do! I've seen Orange clean and have got to try this. Can't believe it's this easy...and that you discovered it by accident! LOL!


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!