
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Adirondack Pigment Ink #1 - Chipboard Part II

Continuing with the Adirondack Pigment Ink & Chipboard section I wanted to discuss pre-printed glossy cardstock pieces ~ the packaged chipboard pieces that match your favorite pattern paper lines. I have to admit sometimes there are some really off the wall pieces in those packages. Pieces I would most likely never use...UNTIL NOW! Well I pulled them out and started experimenting and this is what I came up with!

****Just to let you know this is in part a deomonstration but I also incorporated a bit of a comparison as well. I used some of other popular pigment inks on the market along side Rangers Pigment Ink to show how differently the water based inks are from regular oil based pigment inks. I think this will really highlight how revolutionary they are.****

Initially I pulled out 2 additional types of pigment ink to compare with the Adirondack Pigment Ink ~ Brilliance Archival Pigment Ink from Tsukineko, Inc. and Color Box Petal Point Pigment Ink from Clearsnap Inc.

Pigment Ink #1012

I inked each piece of glossy chipboard in the same fashion, pouncing each piece on the ink pad.

Pigment Ink #1013

Next I heated all 3 pieces to speed the drying process.

Pigment Ink #1014

After only about 30 seconds with heat the Adirondack Pigment Ink was dry. I continued heating and about 1 minute later the Brilliance Ink had dried for the most part but the Color Box Pigment Ink was no where near dry. It still smudged when I ran my finger across the top.

Pigment Ink #1015

Individual results.....

Brilliance Pigment Ink ~ I don't know if you can see it very well in the photo but prior to drying as the ink sat on the glossy chipboard it beaded up in several spots drying this way. It was a very uneven coverage in the end. Where the ink gathered it did cover the design below. I think it would take several coats to cover the entire piece completely.

Pigment Ink #1018

Color Box Pigment Ink ~ I don't think this ink would have ever dried on the glossy chipboard without embossing powder. I heated it for another 2 minutes after the initial 1 1/2 minutes and it still smudged when I checked it. Besides not drying it did not cover the image well at all. Even after heating the markings still showed through.

Pigment Ink #1019

Adirondack Pigment Ink ~ Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand can see for yourself how well this ink covered the glossy chipboard! It dried very quickly ~ only 30 seconds under the gun. A nice matte finish that covered the entire image below.... Hands down the winner in my book.

Pigment Ink #1020

Just for good measure I inked up the Brilliance chip on one side to see how well the ink covered other types of ink....again, the results speak for themselves!

Pigment Ink #1021

I was so excited about sharing this comparison I couldn't wait for the Glossy Accents to dry on this ATC I made using the chip - LOL!!

If you will notice I inked the edges of the chip with Snow Cap (white) Adirondack Pigment Ink....It covered the Cranberry perfectly!! Not many white inks can do that.

Pigment Ink #1006

I hope this has shed a bit of light on just how different these new inks really are! Results you can see and compare for yourself.

Keep checking back as I'll will be sharing a couple more chipboard examples then move on to some other techniques using these incredible new pigment inks!

Thanks for stopping by friends :)


  1. Whoa! What a demonstration! And I'm so glad that you showed us how it covers the glossy, pre-printed chipboard pieces. I agree that about half the pieces in a standard selection are less than inspiring! Now I will look at those pieces in a new way!

  2. I hope more people that ask the same question over and over about what is the difference between Ranger's and the others come to you blog and read and see it for themselves. I will make sure to put your blog link on my blog


  3. Thanks for the information -- looking forward to seeing the rest of your techniques. I just ordered the black and white pads but see I will be needing them all.

    Sheryl H

  4. Now that was an awesome comparison of pigment inks. Waiting for my Adirondack Pigment Ink to arrive in Canada.
    Connie Paxman

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