
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Very Special Rubber Stamp Designer Feature Tomorrow!!!

Don't miss it ~ to culminate Ink Stains 6 month anniversary I am having a very special (to me) rubber stamp designer feature be sure and check it out!

Ink Stained Trivia Winners!!!

Wow, I was so totally over whelmed with all of the great responses and I even got some answers to questions that I didn't even ask - LOL!! I was amazed :)

Here are the answers....

What are my dogs names? (Bonus Points if you guess the correct breeds!)

Cecil - Basset Hound

Fidget - Cairn Terrier Some of you asked how his eye trouble was doing. Well, it's not that great. I believe by healing the lesions in his left eye the blood vessels have taken most of his vision in that eye. His right eye has healed but we're still dealing with the dry eye. He's on meds that are supposed to stimulate the tear production but the vet isn't too sure it's going to work.

Brenda knew
even more....

"you did have Margaret a chow mix at the farm but i'm not sure if she is there or not still" - Yep, we still have Margaret - She's about 16 years old now but still kickin!
"and a farm cat--named Kitty of all things LOL--whose mom abandoned her-- one of her sibs got eaten by a group of pigs in a pig pen (Gross) and she eventually went back to the farm after developing a rather disturbing intestinal problem that forced you to wash lots of blankets one week" - Sadly Kitty is no longer with us but had a good life while she was alive.

How many posts have I made in 2008?

It's ever increasing but everyone who guessed got it right at that time. '

What is my favorite Ink Mfg.?

Duh, Ranger was the most common answer but everyone got this right - LOL!!

What state do I reside…physically, not mentally ;) LOL!!!

Everyone got this right ~ Nanette even added a bit about my mental state...."(what your mental state is is questionable!! LOL!!)" LOL!! She's such a smarty pants!

What was the date of the first post on Ink Stains?

November 27, 2007 10:00-ish AM according to Phinnny!! I hadn't even paid any attention to the time thing!!

BONUS ? - What day did Ink Stains ready 15,000 visits and 25,000 page views? (Hint - both happened on the same day.)

Numerous guesses on this from Mother's Day to a few days ago. Nobody got it right but it was the 18th of May!

AND...Phinny came up with a few more answers to questions that I hadn't even thought of ~ how about a bonus BONUS question? What publications has Roni mentioned that she's been published in since Ink Stains started? Ranger's home page, Ranger ad in the magazine Belle Armoire, Cloth, Paper, Scissors Issue #13 (Summer) issue (Rangers Ad), the May issue of Vamp Stamp News, Stampers Sampler Catch Up Issue and probably more that the little sneak didn't even mention. Congrats to you, Ms. Published Artist! :) Thanks Phinny!!! Yeah, there were a few others but I never did find those issues so I didn't bother to mention them.

I want to thank everyone who gave it a shot ~ you all mean so much to me!!

On to the I said ~ each correct answer got you an entry into the drawing. I added up all of the correct answers and ended up with 127 (*added a few extra in there for the extra info people added in!!) and the winners are......

Sheryl H.



Robin W

Katherine Saw


Congratulations Ladies!!

Phinny, Nanette, Brenda Katherine I have your addy's so I will get those ready to ship. Sheryl & Robin if you could please e-mail me your addies I'll get your packages ready to mail as well :)

Thanks everyone who played along...I would send you all goodies if I could!!

Wildflower Rubber Stamps Winner!!

The winner of the Wildflower Rubber Stamp set is......


Congrats Tammy :)

You won the Snowflakes Rubber Stamp set
- wfs-008-002!!

Hope you have fun using them!!

Ink Stains x6 - Favorite Quote/Sentiment/Poem or Proverb

Yes, I am a quote/poem junkie...I have loads and loads of them stashed here, there and everywhere. Books, pieces of paper, folders and more just full of them. If I had to choose just one it would probably be....

The Road Not Taken

By Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

So, what's yours?

I will draw one winner who will receive a set of Rusty Pickle Alphabet stamps, a baggie of assorted "Proverbs to Go" double-sided sayings (K&Co) and a mini journal for you to decorate.

You have until 6-3 to post :)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Favorite Rubber Stamping Techniques WINNER!!!

Earlier this week I asked what your favorite rubber stamping technique was...the winner would win an Ink Blending Tool & Foams ~ MY favorite rubber stamping technique at this time.

Well, I did a little diggin and came up with enough for 4 winners!!!

So here they are....





Congratulations ladies!!

Please send me your mailing addresses and I'll get your IBT & Foams out to you :)

Be sure to check in tomorrow when I'll be pulling the winners for Ink Stained Trivia as well as the Wildflower Stamp Give-A-Way!!

Ink Stained Sketch #1

Last week I shared with you the first Ink Stained Sketch that could be altered to be used on scrapbook pages, ATC's, Skinny's as well as cards. Every other week I will share a new sketch and the following week I'll post ideas using that sketch. If you play along and would like to share your creation here just send me the link or image and I'll post it right along with the sketch and the goodies I come up with.

To refresh your memory, here is the first Ink Stained Sketch....

ink stained sketch

and here are some examples to get you on your way!


Ink Stained Sketch001


and one from Mindy...


Hope it inspires you to create something this weekend!!

Next Friday is 4 for 1 Friday so be sure to check back to see what's new ;)

Ink Stains x6 - Tell Me Where You Are From

How easy is that! It doesn't have to be real specific ~ town, state, country is fine...just tell me where you are from and you could win a KI Memories stamp set (Calendar Set) n ephemera pack from me right here in Indiana!!
You'll have until June 1st to do so :)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Black & White of It

Today I wanted to share another lay-out I made...I had fun with this one ~ it was a challenge I participated in and you could only black & white as your color scheme! Now let me tell you that's harder than it sounds!

I used bazzill cardstock & Doodlebug and Making Memories rub-on letters and pen/ink for the writing.

the B & W of it

Have a GREAT day everyone :)

Fav. Featured Rubber Stamp Retailer Winner is.....

The winner from the Featured Rubber Stamp Retailer is.....


There's alot I could choose but I like Lizzie Anne Designs but you did say a retailer so DP Artworks I love the designs and they have a great range with lots of diffrent styles which I like because I like to try new stuff.

Mez xxx

Congratulations Mez ~ please e-mail me your addy so I can get your stamp & ATC kit out in the mail to you :)

Also, just wanted to let you know I'm getting lots of correct answers for the Ink Stains Trivia but there's still time to send in your answers!

Ink Stains x6 - Favorite Ranger Product

Today's question has to do with Ranger and their amazing line up of rubber stamping/ink/embossing, etc. products.

It's really easy...tell me what your favorite product(s) is(are)! Now I know this might not be easy to narrow it down so you can post more than one ;)

That being said I'd have to say that my favorite Ranger product is the entire Distress line of inks. It was the very first Ranger product I was ever introduced to and fell in love with immediately! Since then I have met and fell in love with many more of their products but the Distress Inks will always hold that #1 place in my inky heart! share my love I'll be sharing some Distress Ink! The winner will receive 3 Distress ink pads (not sure which colors yet but they are all great!)!!

You'll have until June 1st to tell me what your favorite is :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Stamp winner delay...

Sorry I didn't get to the stamp winner today ~ I have a really tight deadline that I'm working against so I've been spending every free moment coming up with ideas and creating. I love working with deadlines but sometimes the projects consume me (which is what has happened the last 2 days). Good thing is the pieces I'm working on are turning out great (IMO) so hopefully they will be picked up. If they aren't I can share them with you very soon :)

I would go back and pull it now but I still have about 10 loads of laundry to fold before I can go to bed....the cloths are piled ON my bed ;) So I promise to post tomorrow who the lucky poster is :)

Goodnight all!!

Ink Stains x6 - Favorite Ink/RS Technique

Continuing on with Ink Stains 6 month anniversary today tell me what your favorite inking and/or rubber stamping technique is! It doesn't have to be anything featured on the can be whatever you love.

I'll bet you can guess what my favorite is...YES, anything to do with the Ink Blending Tool!!! SOOOO, today's prize is an Ink Blending Tool & Foams :) Gotta spread that love!!

You'll have until Friday 5-30 to tell me your favorite technique at which time I'll draw out the name of the lucky poster!

Have a great day!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Baby Collage Frame

Someone mentioned that they'd like to see some of my collage items so I thougth I'd post one of my favorites that I have made...

This was made to celebrate the birth of a friends little boy.... All of the "baby" items were real goodies I found here and there. The rattle had an ugly animal face so I covered it with a computer generated circle of info. I stamped his name & baby boy with archival ink on a piece of cross-word puzzle fabric. The "M" was inked and a piece of stamped cardstock was added behind.

I "aged" the frame with blue acrylic paint. I applied the paint to a rag and rubbed it over the entire frame. The paint natually collects in the cracks and crevices for just the right effect.

Hope you enjoy the frame...
it's a fun project and makes a great gift for new parents and their little ones!!
Have a great day everyone :)

Ink Stains x 6 Trivia

Today, 6 months ago I posted my first post here...I have really enjoyed myself and in the process hopefully inspired you to try something new :)Here's to another 6 months, years....or more!

On to the games....Ink Stains Trivia :)

All of the answers to these questions can be found somewhere here on the blog...well, except for the bonus ? - that you just have to guess ;) The more questions you answer correctly the more chances you have to win!!
Please e-mail me your answers either through the blog or .... roni jj @ g mail . com (no spaces in there).

Each correct answer earns one entry...more about the prize after the ?'s...

What are my dogs names? (Bonus Points if you guess the correct breeds!)

How many posts have I made in 2008?

What is my favorite Ink Mfg.?

What state do I reside…physically, not mentally ;) LOL!!!

What was the date of the first post on Ink Stains?

BONUS ? - What day did Ink Stains ready 15,000 visits and 25,000 page views? (Hint - both happened on the same day.)

Now, what do you get if you are the winner??? Wellllllll, there will not be one winner but 6 one for each month Ink Stains has been around! Each person will receive a rubber stamp of my choosing plus a few extra goodies from my stash...that could include chipboard goodies, ATC kit, Inkssentials White Pigment Pen, embellishment pack, ribbons, fibers who knows what I'll pull out :)

So, put on your detective cap and start'll have until Saturday May 31st to post your guesses!

Good Luck Everyone!!

Oh yeah ~ I wanted to let you know that everyone is welcome to play...even my friends out of the United States :)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Painting with Alcohol Inks!

I promised to share the technique I used to create this ATC today but things got a little crazy here...we were working over at the building a bit longer than anticipated but fear's here at last :)

HG - April 017

A couple things before we will notice that I use a waterbrush filled with Ink Blending Solution to paint with. I suggest you keep two actually. I use a "good" waterbrush to paint with. By good I mean it's got a regulated flow of liquid to the brush. I like this type because you don't need much IBS on your brush to move the inks around. The second is a cheap waterbrush I bought in a multi pack at Hobby Lobby. It is not regulated and I keep it handy in case I make a mistake. If you do happen to get ink where you don't want it or apply too much, etc. simply swab it up with the 2nd brush. Works like a charm!

Painting w AI's001


Adirondack Alcohol Inks- Ranger

Ink Blending Solution - Ranger

Archival Ink - Jet Black - Ranger


Rubber Stamp - Just For Fun

Waterbrush (filled with Ink Blending Solution)

Discarded lid or paint palette (for your inks)

Dry Cloth (for wiping off excess Ink Blending Solution)


1. Stamp your image onto the transparency using Archival Ink. Let dry. (Note - this ink dries very quickly on non-porous surfaces.

Painting w AI's002

2. While your image is drying put a drop or two of the colors you will be using on your palette. I use an old butter lid. You will notice I don't clean it in between uses ~ the inks can be revitalized but just swirling a bit of Ink Blending Solution on them and I hate to waste good inks ;) If you're worried about the inks mixing you can use one of the sectioned paint tins.

Painting w AI's006

3. This is VERY important...once your image has tried flip it over!! If you don't the second your brush hits the Archival Ink your image will be destroyed!!!

4. You want to start painting with a virtually dry brush. This will give you better control over the inks as they have a tendency to spread if too much Ink Blending Solution is used.

Painting w AI's005

5. Start "painting" by simply picking up a bit of the Alcohol Ink on the tip of your brush and applying it to the desired section(s).

Painting w AI's003

There is no set law on how to apply the colors....I like to apply the darkest color first and work lighter. I usually use 2-3 colors of ink per section. Other people apply only one color to each section resulting in a stained glass look. It's totally up to you on how you want the finished image to look.

Painting w AI's007

Notice how several colors adds depth to the image. I used Pesto, Meadow & Lettuce on the leaves and Cranberry, Wild Plum & Currant on the flower.

6. Finish painting the image and let dry. I usually leave them sit for 5 minutes just to be sure but they are usually dry before then. Just depends on the room temp & humidity.

Painting w AI's008

Flip it over to see what you've got....

Painting w AI's009

You can use your image as is or mount it onto a piece of white cardstock which is what I did for this image. I like to attach it to the cardstock using a bit of Glossy Accents. It dries quickly and clear. It is now ready to use!

Painting w AI's010

And now you know how to paint with Alcohol Inks! Hope you all give it a try...specially those of you that haven't removed your Alcohol Inks from their packaging....I won't name names but you know who you are ;P LOL!!

Ink Stains x6 - Day 1 - Favorite Rubber Stamp Retailer

Being the consummate shopper I am I couldn't help myself by sharing various rubber stamping sites I found here and there. What started as shop-a-holic enabling her friends is now a weekly posting featuring various rubber stamp retailers, manufactures and designers.

Today, I want you to tell me which of the Rubber Stamp Retailers featured so far is your favorite.

You will have until Wednesday (5-28) at noon to post your that time I'll draw the name of the lucky winner who will receive Flower Border Couple stamp by Queen's Dresser Drawers and a mini ATC kit by me :)

HG - April 017

For directions on creating this card be sure to check out the information on "Painting with Alcohol Inks" which will be posted later today!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Wildflower Stamps

Today I want to share a very special rubber stamp designer/retailer...Andra Wheeler and Wildflower Stamps! I was very lucky to get to know Andra and meet her in person as we were both on the Ranger Design Team. Besides being an amazing stamp designer Andra is also a very sweet and creative person!

I asked Andra how she got started designing rubber stamps, she replied " It was something I thought I might enjoy doing, so I gave it a try." She did such an amazing job doing so that she now not only designs stamps for Wildflower Stamps, but she also designs stamps for many monthly kit clubs!

She designs new stamps each month but not all of them make it to her web-site because the kit stamps are so popular. I asked what inspired her designs for Wildflowers, Andra stated that "anything goes". She went on to say, "When I'm designing for kit clubs, I try to design images that will fit the style of paper lines selected." Obviously whatever she's doing must be working because she designs monthly stamps for kits such as Backporch Memories; The Scrap Room; Scrap a Go Go (UK's #1 Kit Club!!); Three Scrappy Boys just to name a few.

Wildflower Stamp is a bit unique when it comes to stamp sites...Andra offers up a nice selection of $1 Stamps! Darling little stamps that can be used in combination or alone! Everything from a little cupcake, this snazzy girl image, to one of my favorites ~ grunge stitches!!

Wildflower also offers up some awesome Background/Texture images, awesome Flourish/Paisley stamps, Holiday & Seasonal to Wildflowers most popular sellers - Frames & Journaling stamps.

I have so many favorites but if I had to narrow it down to just a few they would have to be...Dad - because it's hard to find stamps geared towards the guys in my life; Flourish - not your every day run of the mill flourish, this has got a bit of distressed wear to it! Gotta love it :) Another favorite of mine is Glamour Girls...cause even farm girls need a bit of pizazz in their lives - LOL!!
Stickles - Girl Thing ATC
O.k....I know this is more than a few but well, I have to also mention Make a Wish and Snowflakes. Two more gotta have sets in my book!

All of Wildflower Stamps are clear acrylic stamps that can be used on acrylic mounting blocks which are also offered on the site. Wildflower Stamps is an angel company. They accept Pay-Pal payments for all transactions and gift certificates are available. International shipments are welcome.

I asked Andra if there was anything else she'd like to share about Wildflower Stamps and she wanted to let you know, "I'm always up for new ideas and I love to see what people do with my stamps. Also, we'll have a Publication Reward Program in place within the next month. I love to give free stamps away as a thank you for getting my images published!" the mean time ~ to help kick off Ink Stains 6 month anniversary week ~ tell me what set(s) of stamps you like best ~ either from the web-site or from one the kit clubs mentioned and you'll be entered into a drawing for a surprise set of stamps from Wildflowers collection!! You'll have until the 31st to post your favorites at which time I'll post the winner :) And REMEMBER....You can't win if you don't post!!

Be sure to check in tomorrow and each day this week as we'll be having a different drawing daily!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

DP Artworks Rubber Stamp Winner!!

We have a winner and that winner is....

Jen D!!!

Congrats Jen, please e-mail me with your addy and I'll get your stamps out to you!

Thanks everyone for playing along!! If you didn't win today don't fret ~ next week is Ink Stains 6 month anniversary and we'll be having all sorts of fun give-a-ways so be sure to check back daily and sign up.


YoU cAn'T wIn If YoU DoN't PoSt!!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

4 for 1 - Every Step - Paperbag Studios

For the very first 4 for 1 I am going to be using Every Step by Paperbag Stuidos! I absolutely love this stamp!! It can be used in a multitude of ways as you will see...

To begin with you can stamp it as is...looks great as almost all stamps do :)

4 for 1 - Every Step - Paperbag Studios002

So what next...well, try adding some glitz to your image! It doesn't matter what it is these days, you can add glitter (Stickles Glitter Glue) to it and ta da!!! You're image has just been "kicked" up not one but several notches!! (Sorry, I had to take this at a funky angle so the background paper didn't reflect so's embossed in black and doesn't like cameras too well!)

4 for 1 - Every Step - Paperbag Studios004

Say you don't like your image too can ALWAYS hide it behind a layer of vellum! Check this out. I simply printed out my little saying on some vellum and layered it over a whole sheet of stamped shoes!! Notice how there isn't any sentiments with the shoes....this is another little trick you can use. Simply stamp your image onto scrap cardstock, carefully cut around the edge of the image that you want to keep. Use what's left as a mini mask that you can adhere to the stamp with a temporary adhesive right before stamping!

4 for 1 - Every Step - Paperbag Studios003

Get Grungy! Another way to give your stamp a totally NEW look - GO OLD! Stamp on wrinkled, crumpled, distressed cardstock... if that's not enough of a change, sand it, crumble it some more and really make it look decayed! I stamped this pair of shoes on a shipping tag that I had distressed using Walnut Stain Distress Inks. Looks nothing at all like the original image does it!

4 for 1 - Every Step - Paperbag Studios001

So there you have the first installment of 4 for 1!
I hope you enjoy this and get a bit of inspriation to try a little somethin' new with your old stamps!
Here is a sneak peek at next week's first Ink Stained Sketch!
ink stained sketch
The box where the arrow is pointing could be a photo, stamped image, etc. Somewhere on your creation you should incorporate some sort of stamping...could be the main image if it's a card, maybe background stamping for a lay-out...if you're making an about a stamped sentiment. Anyway, have fun with it! If you create a little something using the sketch be sure and send me a link or a photo of it so I can include it in next weeks post!
Till then...happy stamping!!
Only a day left for your chance to win a set of stamps from DP Artworks!!

All you have to do is check out the
Feature Article about DP Artworks, tell me your favorite stamp(s) (I know it's hard to narrow it down) and you're entered!!

Can't get much easier than that :)

The winner will be randomly selected from everyone who posts their favorite stamp.

You have until 4 p.m. tomorrow to post!!

Don't miss out on a great set of stamps :)

Something new for Fridays!

I wanted to share with you something new I have planned for Fridays...actually 2 things! Each week I'm going to be alternating between an "Ink Stained Sketch" or "4 for 1". What are they you're asking...well they are....

Ink Stained Sketch

These are going to be a basic sketch that can be used to create not only Cards but ATC's, Skinnies, Scrapbook Pages...whatever you like! I will be sharing different examples (card, atc, etc.) of each sketch to get your juices flowing! Of course each example will incorporate rubber stamping on them somewhere otherwise they wouldn't be "Ink Stained" now would they - LOL!!!

If you really love sketches and would like to play along I will at the same time be posting a sneak peek of the next weeks Ink Stained Sketch. You can make a card, ATC or scrapbook page, whatever you want from the sneak peek sketch, send it to me before the next Friday and I'll post your creation along with my examples to share with everyone :) Sound like fun???? I sure hope so!!

4 for 1

The 4 for 1 is going to show 1 stamp used 4 different ways. This might include using a portion of a stamp, sharing a particular stamping technique, maybe using it on 4 different items (card, atc, lay-out, etc) or maybe I'll be sharing how varying the color scheme can change the whole mood of the stamp.

Why 4 for 1? Well I know many of us have a pretty big stash of stamps (and if you just started stamping, trust me your stash will grow!!) I also know lots of people are on spending freezes or trying to cut back. Hopefully this will get you to look at your stamp stash through new eyes...give you some inspiration to use what you've got or maybe just challenge you to pick up a stamp you haven't used in years!

Sound like fun???

Sound like something you'd like to see???

I sure hope so :)

I'll be posting the first 4 for 1 later this afternoon along with the sneak peek of next weeks Ink Stained Sketch! Hope you'll stop by and check em out!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ink Stains 6 Month Anniversary Celebration....

Next Tuesday Ink Stains will be 6 months old!!!
Whoo Hooo!!! I never thought in my wildest dreams that it would become what it has today. To thank you all I am planning on having a week full of give-a-ways :) Tell your friends and spread the news because each day (starting on Sunday - May 25th) I will have a new way for you to win any number of prizes....everything from rubber stamps, chipboard goodies, Inkssentials White Pigment Pen, ATC kits and more!!
All you have to do is post either an answer to a question or answer a "favorites" question! Really easy.
And this is to all those people who read and don't can't win anything if you don't post a comment....don't be shy. We don't bite :) You don't even need to be signed into any blog system to comment. Simply use the anonymous button to post under! :)
Hope to see you all there!

Adirondack Pigment Ink Technique # 3 - Ink Blots

I tell you this is one of my favorite techniques for the Adirondack Pigment Inks. By using various materials to blot the ink you will get an unlimited number of variations!! This is really like 100 techniques in 1!! What's even don't need any special tools or materials. The two examples I have step by step photos for today are made using cloth and a wadded up plastic bag.

Ink Blots...


Adirondack Pigment Ink - Ranger

Glossy or Plain Cardstock (works on both!!)

Squirt Bottle (you'll need lots of water for this technique!)

Cloth, Plastic Bag, Mesh, etc. - Something to move the water & ink around.

Instructions: (soft cloth)

1. Ink your cardstock with desired color of Adirondack Pigment Ink.

Pigment Ink #3008

2. Squirt LOTS of water directly onto the inked area.

Pigment Ink #3009

3. Immediately start blotting the water/ink with your wadded up piece of cloth.

Pigment Ink #3011

4. When you're satisfied with the look you want, heat to speed drying. You'll end up with something like this.... Lots of great "texture" and depth caused by the water & ink combining.

Pigment Ink #3012

It's ready to be used!!

Pigment Ink #3002

Instructions: (plastic bag)

1. Ink cardstock with desired color of Adirondack Pigment Ink.

Pigment Ink #3013

2. Squirt with water and immediately start blotting with a wadded up plastic bag. NOTE: be sure to adjust your bag so you have a clean part of the bag to work with frequently. The bag won't absorb the ink/water mixture like the cloth will. If you don't use clean sections of the bag you could end up with a muddy result.

Pigment Ink #3014

3. When you feel you have moved/removed enough of the ink, heat to speed drying and here are your final results...

Pigment Ink #3015

and the finished project!

Pigment Ink #3003

I was having so much fun with this technique this morning I made a few extra examples....

Pigment Ink #3005

Pigment Ink #3004

Pigment Ink #3001

Hope you have enjoyed this technique and give it a try when you can. I'm sure you'll be very pleased with the results!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Dh unexpectedly took me up to my favorite scrapbook store today and we just got back home :) It's a couple hours away so we usually eat at Don Pablo's and go to the store afterwards. I didn't have time to make fresh examples to go along with today's Pigment Ink technique so I'll share that tomorrow.

Instead I've got several ATC's I made recently to share instead! All were made for the Hannah Grey Design Team for a show Shosh is going to at the end of the month.

King of My Heart -

Supplies: Dream a Little (man), Ledger ATC Background - Stampers Anonymous; Crackle Accents, Stickles, Archival Ink, Distress Ink - Ranger; Gemstone - Blue Moon Beads; Pattern Paper - unknown

Hannah Grey May 08002

May Flowers -

Supplies: Flower Image - HOTP; Background - Ledger ATC - Stampers Anonymous; Sepia Accents, Distress Ink, Archival Ink - Ranger; Copper - Scrap Metal; Brads - Making Memories; German Scrap - Hannah Grey; vintage stamp - unknown

Hannah Grey May 08001

Temper Tantrum -

Supplies: Little Boy, Ledger ATC Background - Stampers Anonymous; Stickles, Sepia Accents, Glossy Accents, Distress Ink, Archival Ink - Ranger; Brad - Making Memories; Rub-ons - American Crafts

Hannah Grey May 08005

Journey -

Supplies: Auto Image, License Plate Border - Queens Dresser Drawers; Archival Ink, Distress Ink - Ranger; Tim Holtz Sprocket Gears & Philosophy Tags - Advantus; Tickets - Hannah Grey

Hannah Grey May 08004


Supplies: Ledger ATC Background - Stampers Anonymous; Adirondack Pigment Ink - Denim, Snow Cap, Glossy Accents, Alcohol Ink, Stickles - Ranger Grunge Board Wings - Advantus; Dress Form - Hannah Grey; Splatter Net - Hannah Grey; Mica ATC Blanks; Nailheads - unknown


Check back tomorrow for another new technique using the Adirondack Pigment Inks :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Girls Night Out Tattoo Results....

I promised to post pics of the tattoo's that the ladies got when we all went out ~ finally getting caught up enough to post so here they are...We went to Device Tattoo down in Ft. Wayne. A really great place with very friendly people. I would highly recommend it to anyone in our area thinking about getting one.

The Girls....

GNO Tattoo's 042508 005

From L-R....Dixie (a.k.a. - Mom), Karen, Carol ~ they all work together and every so often we have a Girls Night Out to eat, drink and laugh...usually more laughing than anything else but this time Mom talked the others into tattoo's. Funny thing is their boss said he'd get them a Gift Cert. for whatever they wanted for Sec. Day...they choose the tattoo parlor - LOL!!! Bet there isn't another lawyer around that can say he got his employee's tattoo's for Sec. Day!

On to the Tattoos...

Mom had me design her tattoo...this isn't what I originally drew, Shane Yoder ~ her tattoo guy made it much better ~ (she's got a thing for stars). She's got several tattoo's btw...I couldn't even tell you what they all are. She's already got her next 3 (I think) picked out...a retro blue-bird, possibly a humming bird and a fairy. She said she's going back to the same guy as he was so gentle.

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Karen got a small cross on her ankle and had her toe tattoo freshened up (8 yrs old). The toe wasn't finished here... Chad still had some black lines to put along the top and bottom but most of it was finished. (it's purple & blue on the insides)

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Carol had never had a tattoo before so she was really worried. Her tattoo artist - Jeff was REALLY great with her...she knew she wanted a heart with flowers and that was about it. Jeff came up with this design which fit her personality perfectly! She was really pleased with it after it was all said & done.

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I think I mentioned in my first post how cool this tattoo place was ... o.k., I've only ever been in one other tattoo parlor but it was literally a night & day difference. The tattoo area at Device clean, well lit and it was open so I could float in between all of the ladies to take photos. There was also a guy getting a tattoo at the same time as the ladies. Oddly enough he was from the same town I live in!! Small world...anyway, he let me take a pic. of his tattoo as well - LOL!! (yes, I was snap happy...125 pics in about 1 1/2 hrs). I loved the design he was getting ~ it was 4 celtic hearts intertwined (at least that's what it looked like to me) blood red. I can't imagine how much that thing was huge ~ took up almost 1/2 his lower back.

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Anyway, that's our Girls Night Out Tattoo experience :) Oh yeah, and incase you're wondering ~ I was just taking pics so no tattoo for me!

Adirondack Pigment Ink Technique #2 - Spritz & Flick

This is a spin on the Ink Blending Tool Technique Spritz & Flick. It is done in relatively the same fashion but there is one step added using your heat gun.

Let's begin...


Adirondack Pigment Ink - Ranger

Inkssentials Heat Tool - Ranger


Dry Cloth (to blot excess water)

Cardstock - Glossy or Plain cardstock will work.


1. Apply ink to your cardstock using the direct to paper method.

Pigment Inks #2001

2. Immediately spritz a good amount of water in your hand and "flick" it onto your paper. Repeat until you have quite a bit of water on the wet ink. NOTE - you want to make sure you have plenty of water drops on your cardstock at this point...once you heat the ink it's set and you won't be able to go back and take any more off as you would in the similar Ink Blending Tool Technique.

3. Here is where you have a choice. You may immediately heat the ink or you may let the water set for 20-30 seconds for the water really soak up the inks. Either way works great and you will get a variety of looks varying the time.

So dry the inks using the heat tool.

Pigment Inks #2003

4. Once the majority of the ink has dried, blot the water from the cardstock.

Pigment Inks #2004

And this is what you will end up with!

Pigment Inks #2005

You can now stamp on this background with any inks desired and create a card, embellishment, tag, etc. Here are a few examples of things I've made using both plain and glossy cardstock.

Pigment Inks #2013

Glossy Cardstock, Purple Twilight - Ranger; Image - HOTP

Pigment Inks #2010

Glossy Cardstock, Adirondack Pigment Ink - Sailboat Blue - Ranger; Image - Stampers Anonymous; Rub-ons - Creative Imaginations

Pigment Inks #2008

Plain Cardstock - Bazzill; Adirondack Pigment Ink - Watermelon, Pitch Black - Ranger; Images - DP Artworks; Rub-On Word - Creative Imaginations

Pigment Inks #2007

Glossy cardstock, Adirondack Pigment Ink - Bottle, Stickles - Ranger; Rub-ons - Creative Imaginations; Pattern Paper - K & Co; Cardstock - Bazzill

Pigment Inks #2012

This is a laminate tag that I thought I'd try this technique out seemed to work very well!! I applied Denim to the background and stamped with Black Pitch Pigment Inks!

SO there you have it...never thought you'd be doing anything like that with a pigment ink did you?
Well there's more to come so stay tuned!!