
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Welcome To Ink Stains!

Welcome to Ink Stains!!

I started this blog to share my love of ink and paper. There are just so many cool techniques that can be accomplished with very few supplies and a bit of time! You might be wondering what makes this blog any different from any of the rest of the art/craft blogs out there...well, I can't answer that for you, you'll just have to stick around and see what's in store.

I can tell you that I'm offering up a weekly card sketch, some inky challenges here and there, techniques galore and a bit more! If you have a technique you'd like to see in detail, please e-mail me. I'd be more than happy to research it if necessary and post step by step pics for you. If you'd like to challenge me to alter something I'm game for that as well! If you have a creation or technique of your own you'd like featured on the blog please feel free to e-mail me ~ guest artists are always welcome!

I encourage you to try some of the techniques, cards & projects then post a link to your creation in the comments section. You never know when one or two lucky posters might receive a RAK!?!? So, please feel free to pass the link along to your friends who might enjoy a bit Good...Ink Stained....Fun!


  1. RONI!!! :D
    this is PeRFeCT! congrats on getting started!

  2. HI Roni......
    This is a great blog. Great job.. thanks for sharing. Bless you girl.

  3. So glad to see you got it started! I'm looking forward to all your great creations :-)

  4. It's about time!!! You're work is beautiful and I'm glad you now have a place to share it with us.

  5. Oh, Roni!! This is great. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. :)
    Looking forward to what you have to teach us.
    Love ya, Sweetie!!

  6. Looking forward to all your creations Roni!!

  7. Roni!! The blog looks soooo wonderful. Going right into my favorites.

  8. I'm looking forward to seeing this evolve! It looks great already and I'm looking forward to the challenges. Thanks for this !!

  9. Thanks Everyone ~ I'm very excited about this and hope to make it a great place to stop and visit :)

  10. Dolly!!!! I'm so incredibly proud of you! This is such a wonderful thing for you to do - so...YOU! :-) I look forward to visiting often! (((HUGS)))

  11. YAY!!! I'm so looking forward to this! Good luck with it all!!

  12. Hurrah! This will be FUN and educational LOL! I'm looking forward to seeing what all you come up with. :-)

  13. I'm so glad to see this - it looks great, Roni!! Can't wait to see what's in store =)

  14. Hey Roni, you are definately on my "must read" list! Great start for a new blog, can't wait to see what you come up with!


Thanks for your thoughts and comments!